biennale venezia 2009
biennale venezia 2009
biennale venezia 2009
seamless experience
Clones of Nokia N95 phone.
design competitions 2009-2010
Installing Logitech v470, middle left-right buttons on Ubuntu Linux
modern and postmodern similarities and conditions
This is a series of articles: Being and Time, part 1: Why Heidegger matters The most important and influential continental philosopher of the last century was also a Nazi. How did he get there? What can we learn from him? Being and Time, part 2: On 'mineness' For Heidegger, what defines the human being is the capacity to be puzzled by the deepest of questions: why is there something rather than nothing? Being and Time, part 3: Being-in-the-world How Heidegger turned Descartes upside down, so that we are, and only therefore think Being and Time, part 4: Thrown into this world How do we find ourselves in the world, and how can find our freedom here?
The main purpose of this thesis is to explore the theoretical and methodological approaches that are involved in understanding how to achieve interaction, communication and collaboration in socio-technical contexts. Hence this thesis seeks for a systemic, ontological framework for understanding and approaching interaction, communication and collaboration processes, which is able to describe the ways we organise in networked societal groups or contexts of interactive participation, within a context of psychological, social, and material relations. Modestos Stavrakis PhD
The open access version (PDF, 1.7MB) of Graham Harman’s Prince of Networks book is now also available on the site. Please do heed’s request in order to support the open access movement: Support / Purchasing Books The PDF you are reading is an electronic version of a physical book that can be purchased through any bookseller (including on-line stores), through the normal book supply channels, or directly. Please support this open access publication by requesting that your university purchase a physical printed copy of this book, or by purchasing a copy yourself.