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18 04, 2011

LEDs & resistors

By |2016-01-12T21:09:35+02:00April 18th, 2011|electronics, technology|2 Comments

  To calculate the resistance when powering a LED use this: R=(Vpow-Vled)/I R: is the needed resistance Vpow: is the voltage of our source or power supply (e.g. battery) Vled: voltage of the LED I: the maximum of current that goes through our LED. for a 2V (diode forward voltage) LED we need 20mA =0.02A (diode forward current) So, for instance, if we have a 12V battery then: R=(12-2)/0,02= 10/0.02=500 Ohm Another example is the use of multiple LEDs in an array. So, for an array of 4 LEDs with diode forward voltage 2V, diode forward current (0.02mA) and a Vpow of 12V we need: 4 x 1 array uses 4 LEDs exactly +12V R = 220000 ohms each 220000 ohm resistor dissipates 0.088 mW the wizard says the color code for 220000 is red red yellow the wizard thinks 1/4W resistors are fine for your application together, all resistors dissipate 0.088 mW [...]

11 04, 2011

CyanogenMod 7.0 stable is out

By |2016-01-12T21:09:35+02:00April 11th, 2011|android|0 Comments

CyanogenMod 7.0 stable version is now available: 1, 2 It includes Android 2.3 Gingerbread stock platform (actually Android 2.3.3), app2sd capabilities, root access, incognito mode for the Android Browser, CPU frequency adjustments and clocking through governor selection, OpenVPN & SIP, USB/WiFi/Bluetooth tethering, FLAC support, an FM Radio player, play/pause with camera buttons, trackball wake and a number of features, changes and enhancements over the original rom. There are some issues still that I have identified, most of them comming from the original Android 2.3. For me these include: Exchange/Corporate sync issue: 1 Bug in unchecking Background data box: Issue 2931 Answering delay: 1,2,3, (probably related to the exchange sync bug. both of them seem to be caused from the issue that causes receiving broadcasts to stop after some time.) CHANGELOG 7.0.0 Common: Android 2.3.3 (Gingerbread) - Google Common: Fixes and changes from AOSP master - Various Common: ClockworkMod Recovery 3.0: [...]

6 03, 2011

Lacan’s unpublished seminars

By |2016-01-12T21:09:35+02:00March 6th, 2011|philosophy|0 Comments

linked from: lacaninireland A1: SEMINARS INTRODUCTION These translations were originally done for a reading group of colleagues and graduates which has met since 1987.  Each translation was drafted during the summer vacation, was worked through on a weekly basis by the group and then given its present form. Tony Hughes has undertaken the task of putting the original photocopies of the seminars into a presentable form.  Here is his description of where the work is at: a)      All seminars will be updated to improve readability and give a more professional finished product. This requires a very large number of adjustments, given the number of seminars involved. b)      The following seminars have the diagrams inserted: Seminars V, VI, VIII, IX, X, XII, XIII, XIV. c)       The remaining seminars do not as yet have any diagrams inserted, these are: XV, XVI, XVII, XVIII, XIX, XX, XXI, XXII, and XXIII. d)      As each [...]

6 03, 2011

The Julian Assange Conspiracy – Networks, power and activism

By |2016-01-12T21:09:35+02:00March 6th, 2011|politics|0 Comments

linked from: ABC radio national, philosopherszone The object of Wikileaks is to dismantle the conspiracies that, according to its founder, rule the world. But what is a conspiracy and are you part of one? According to Assange, it's possible to be a member of conspiracy without even knowing that you are. This week, we look at Julian Assange's political philosophy and his view of the world as a network of conspiracies.

6 03, 2011

I am a nihilist because I still believe in truth

By |2016-01-12T21:09:35+02:00March 6th, 2011|philosophy|1 Comment

Ray Brassier interviewed by Marcin Rychter, linked from: kronos.org.pl KRONOS: 'Nihilism' is one of the most ambiguous philosophical concepts. What is your idea of it? Would you consider yourself a nihilist? Does nihilism totally exclude religion? What about Meillassoux's nihilistic faith fuelled by the inexistence of God? RB: Very simply, nihilism is a crisis of meaning. This crisis is historically conditioned, because what we understand by ‘meaning’ is historically conditioned. We’ve moved from a situation in which the phenomenon of ‘meaning’ was self-evident to one in which it has become an enigma, and a primary focus of philosophical investigation. The attempt to explain what ‘meaning’ is entails a profound transformation in our understanding of it; one that I think will turn out to be as far-reaching as the changes in our understanding of space, time, causality, and life provoked by physics and biology. The pre-modern worldview that lasted several millennia [...]

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