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1 07, 2008

Contemporary Aesthetics (2008)

By |2016-01-12T21:11:05+02:00July 1st, 2008|art, philosophy, research|0 Comments

Contemporary Aesthetics encourages inclusive and innovative aesthetic inquiry. Current volume includes: Frederic Will Can We Get Inside the Aesthetic Sensibility of the Archaic Past? Maryvonne Saison "The People Are Missing" Thomas Leddy The Aesthetics of Junkyards and Roadside Clutter Emmanouil Aretoulakis Aesthetic Appreciation, Ethics, and 9/11 Dan Disney Toward a Poeticognosis: Re-reading Plato's The Republic via Wallace Stevens' "An Ordinary Evening in New Haven" Jonathan Davis Questioning "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction": A Stroll around the Louvre after Reading Benjamin Grant Tavinor Definition of Videogames SYMPOSIUM: Danto's The Transfiguration of the Commonplace Twenty-Five Years Later Ivan Gaskell The Riddle of a Riddle Thomas E. Wartenberg Not Just Mere Things Cynthia Freeland Danto and Art Criticism Arthur C. Danto Ontology, Criticism, and the Riddle of Art Versus Non-Art in The Transfiguration of the Commonplace

8 05, 2008


By |2016-01-12T21:11:17+02:00May 8th, 2008|art, music|0 Comments

Fri 5 Sep – Sun 7 Sep http://www.bestival.net/ Check out the amazing lineup! Bestival is an award winning 3 day boutique music festival set at Robin Hill - a beautiful leafy country park (a veritable Garden of Eden!) near Downend and Newport in the heart of the Isle of Wight. The wonderful world of Bestival was born out of ten fun years of pioneering music events and record releases from Rob da Bank's Sunday Best empire. The BBC Radio 1 leftfield DJ had a dream to one day create his vision of how the modern day festival should be. Along with Creative Director and wife Josie da Bank and co founders / partners John and Ziggy from Get Involved that dream is now fulfilled. On a mission to change the face of independent festival culture, the fearless foursome are bringing some magic to the shores of the Solent and spreading [...]

16 02, 2008

το τέλος της τέχνης στον Αντόρνο και τον Ντεμπόρ

By |2016-01-12T21:11:29+02:00February 16th, 2008|art, philosophy, politics|1 Comment

H κριτική της αξίας δεν σχετίστηκε από τη σύλληψή της με τη θεωρία της καταστασιακής διεθνούς (situationists international), δεν υπάρχει λοιπόν κάποια εκ γενετής συγγένεια μεταξύ τους. Όποιος όμως θέλει να αποφύγει τον κίνδυνο η καταστασιακή θεωρία, από εκρηκτικός μηχανισμός στον καιρό της, να υποβιβαστεί σήμερα πλήρως και αμαχητί σε μουσειοποιημένο «πολιτιστικό αγαθό», οφείλει να προσπαθεί, πέρα από τις διάφορες οπισθοδρομικές τελετουργικές χειρονομίες αναβίωσης, να κάνει σήμερα αυτό που οι καταστασιακοί επιχειρούσαν στην εποχή τους: Nα μην θεωρεί τίποτε αυτονόητο και να αναζητά συνεχώς νέες προσεγγίσεις της κριτικής της κοινωνίας. Σε αυτό το πεδίο, η κριτική της αξίας αποτελεί σίγουρα μια από τις λίγες υπάρχουσες συνεισφορές. [anselm-jappe-ebook, http://www.disobey.net/hotel/]

5 02, 2008

Έκθεση – Α. Καρακατσάνης

By |2016-01-12T21:11:29+02:00February 5th, 2008|art|0 Comments

Την Τετάρτη 6/2/2008 θα γίνουν τα εγκαίνια της ατομικής έκθεσης του Απόστολου Καρακατσάνη στην Γκαλερί Άλφα Δέλτα. Η έκθεση θα διαρκέσει ως τις 15/3/2007. Γκαλερί Άλφα Δέλτα, Παλλάδος 3, 105 54 Αθήνα, τηλ. +30 210 322 87 85, fax +30 210 322 87 85, e-mail: a[at]@otenet.gr www.adgallery.gr apos[at]syros.aegean.gr Μπορείτε να κατεβάσετε το news-letter από εδώ: Μερικά από τα έργα είναι: Μαζί

8 01, 2008

Bingo The Clown-O, Yes you ARE Bingo!

By |2016-01-12T21:11:30+02:00January 8th, 2008|animation, art, philosophy|0 Comments

(1998, Chris Landreth) Ideal ego and the ego ideal. The image you assume and the symbolic point which give you a place and supplies the point from which you are looked at. A nice example of the interaction of the Lacanian "three registers of human reality": the imaginary, the symbolic and the real. Bingo is based on a short play, Disregard This Play, by Chicago's Neo-Futurist Theater Company. The story is a little ditty of existentialist hell in which the central character, Dave, is told he is a clown. At first he denies, then he argues, then he dispairs, and ultimately, he concedes.

3 12, 2007

animations that ‘ll make you ponder…

By |2016-01-12T21:11:43+02:00December 3rd, 2007|animation, cinema|0 Comments

Balance (Christoph Lauenstein and Wolfgang Lauenstein, 1990) The monk and the fish (Michael Dudok) Mt. Head (Koji Yamamura - Atama-Yama, 2002) Ryan (Chris.Landreth, 2004) Part 1: Part 2: Quest (Tyron Montgomery & Thomas Stellmach, 1996) Birthday Boy The old man and the sea (Aleksandr Petrov, 1999)

8 06, 2005


By |2018-09-22T15:25:44+02:00June 8th, 2005|art, Interaction Design, interactive art|2 Comments

Dendriforms is an interactive installation that explores the relationship of physical environment, technology and human participation. Dendriforms is an installation that aims to involve participants to the reconfiguration of the audio-visual world in a post-digital culture. In participating to a Dendriforms installation we are to perceive the limits of ambiguity. The fusion of installation and participant provides to the latter to the most radical attempt to stamp out ambiguity and to enforce to the interactive play of participation per se. The purpose is to draw participants in the rhythmic cycles of being involved in a perpetual dislocation of meaning production between the physical and the artificial (forms of trees and artificial cyber trees). Dendriforms focus to denote the unitary meanings that appear to exist beneath the surface play of ambiguities of the actual and to relate them to the synthetic experience of the symbolic representations of the surface event itself. [...]

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