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29 01, 2011


By |2016-01-12T21:09:35+02:00January 29th, 2011|animation|0 Comments

Ένα animation μικρού μήκους σχετικά με την σχιζοφρένεια, σε σκηνοθεσία Jérémy Clapin.

16 12, 2010

no title

By |2016-01-12T21:09:35+02:00December 16th, 2010|politics|0 Comments

Κατά την άποψη μου δεν πρέπει να αποπλέκουμε την συστημική βία από την υποκειμενική βία [Link]. Υπάρχει και ένα σχετικό ανέκδοτο όπου όταν ο αξιωματικός των ναζί ρώτησε τον Πικάσο στο ατελιέ του στο κατεχόμενο Παρίσι, δείχνοντας την «Γκουέρνικα»: «Εσείς το κάνατε αυτό;», ο Πικάσο απάντησε: «Όχι, εσείς». Αυτή ίσως να είναι και η απάντηση σε όσους αναρωτιούνται γιατί μέσα σε μια ευνομούμενη «δημοκρατία δυτικού τύπου» που παραπαίει, ξεσπάνε βίαιες εξεγέρσεις. «Να τους πούμε, αυτό είναι το αποτέλεσμα της δικής σας πολιτικής», με ειλικρίνεια χωρίς να αποποιούμαστε την ευθύνη της βίαιης πράξης. Δεν είναι κρυφό άλλωστε. Αυτή η αθέατη βία, όσο είναι υποκρυπτόμενη και καταπιεσμένη μέσα στο κοινωνικό, τόσο θα αναδύεται μέσω του υποκειμενικού. Δεν πρέπει να μας φαίνεται παράξενο. Αυτό που είναι τραγικό, και εδώ θεωρώ ότι είναι που την πατάμε περισσότερο, είναι ο επικοινωνιακός φετιχισμός που απορρέει από αυτό. Όλοι τρέχουν να καταδικάσουν ή να υποστηρίξουν χωρίς να [...]

1 12, 2010

Hello, Everything: Speculative Realism and Object-Oriented Ontology

By |2016-01-12T21:09:35+02:00December 1st, 2010|conferences/workshops, philosophy, Speculative Realism|0 Comments

Hello, Everything: Speculative Realism and Object-Oriented Ontology A conference sponsored by the UCLA Program in Experimental Critical Theory A conference sponsored by the UCLA Program in Experimental Critical Theory Wednesday, Dec. 1, 2010 10:30-4:30 UCLA Faculty Center, Redwood Room 10:30-12:00 Graham Harman, “What are Speculative Realism and Object-Oriented Ontology?” 1:00-2:00 Timothy Morton (UC Davis), “Sublime Objects” Eleanor Kaufman (UCLA), Sartre and Object Classification” 2:15-3:15 Levi Bryant (Collin College), “Ontotheology and Withdrawal: Sexuation and the New Metaphysics” Nathan Brown (UC Davis), “On Method: The Compound Epistemology of After Finitude” 3:30-4:30 Ian Bogost (Georgia Tech), “Object-Oriented Ontogeny” Graham Harman (American University, Cairo), “Real Objects and Pseudo-Objects: Remarks on Method”

30 11, 2010

Setting up App Inventor for Android

By |2016-01-12T21:09:35+02:00November 30th, 2010|android, tutorial|0 Comments

This is a short description of how to setup your machine to run App Inventor for the Android platform. First of all you will need a computer with the following: OS: Mac (with Intel processor): Mac OS X 10.5, 10.6 Windows: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 GNU/Linux: Ubuntu 8+, Debian 5+ Browser: Mozilla Firefox 3.6 and higher Apple Safari 5.0 and higher Google Chrome 4.0 and higher Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 and higher Test your Java You should ensure that Java is working. Download it from www.java.com and test it here. Mac users should use JRE 1.6 (Java 6). If you are unsure then: In the Finder, open the Applications > Utilities > Java folder. Run Java Preferences. Select the General tab. You'll see two version lists — one for Java applets and one for Java applications. In each list, drag the "Java SE 6" to the top of [...]

29 11, 2010

Softimage Glossary

By |2016-01-12T21:09:47+02:00November 29th, 2010|CGI, Softimage XSI|0 Comments

Glossary of Terms Glossary The following is a glossary of terms used in SOFTIMAGE. 2D textures See Textures. 3D Three dimensional. A concept used in modelling and animation in which shapes are defined in terms of three axes (x, y, and z) used to represent width, height, and depth, respectively. 3D textures See Procedural textures. Actor A term often used for an animated character. OR Actor is also the module in SOFTIMAGE|3D that lets you create characters made from articulated chains. See Articulated chains and Inverse kinematics. Adaptive supersampling A way of antialiasing the surface of an object by decreasing the oversampling rate for those pixels that do not require the oversampling. Compare to Barlett filter. The results of adaptive supersampling are slightly more localized than a Barlett filter, and the computing time is often shorter. Algorithm A rule or procedure for solving a mathematical problem that usually involves repeating [...]

25 11, 2010

Gingerbread and Nexus S on their way (December 6th?)

By |2016-01-12T21:09:47+02:00November 25th, 2010|android, news, technology|0 Comments

web2.0 summit Eric Schmidt (Google), John Battelle (Federated Media Publishing), Tim O'Reilly (O'Reilly Media, Inc.) Keyfacts: Nexus Two is now Nexus S Eric Schmidt confirmed that Gingerbread and Nexus S are coming in the next few weeks. He also presented an "unknown" device that run the new operating system. Gingerbread is coming on Nexus S new proximity sensors Focus on Application support and development, New way of searching for applications and search-applications, Against recession, global raise in Google for every employee, invest on talent! Trying not to cross some lines of innovation, although technology provides the means. Privacy - security. Cultural sensitivity - StreetView in Germany GoogleMe social network Using Open Protocols Net Neutrality and Openness Location based services and mobile computing Google TV ChromeOS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKOWK2dR4Dg .

22 10, 2010

Interactions 2010/09

By |2016-01-12T21:09:47+02:00October 22nd, 2010|design, Interaction Design|0 Comments

While interactions magazine is charged with exploring the art of design from every perch, sometimes that perspective is as basic - and often complex - as examining the influences that make us human. Editor-in-chief Jon Kolko explains that designers frequently find themselves reflecting on the nuances of human natures-that is, matters of cognitive psychology, social interaction, "and the desire for emotional resonance." The cover story reflects on the qualities of affinity, described by Matthew Jordan as the "emotional connection someone feels for a product or service as driven by these notions of beauty and identity." Jordan contends that along with usefulness and usability, affinity is the third influencer on a design’s success. Also in this issue: Don Norman and Jakob Nielsen on the usability of gestural interfaces. Jodi Forlizzi compares experience and service design. Ben McAllister on why "the conversation" isn’t always a conversation. Liz Danzico contends the design of [...]

22 10, 2010

Japanese animation, philosophy, religion and pop culture

By |2016-01-12T21:09:47+02:00October 22nd, 2010|animation, philosophy|0 Comments

Alan Saunders interviews Jane Goodall from the University of Western Sydney (here) in a inspiring philosophical conversation about animation, animism, ethics, Japanese popular culture, religion, etc. Here is the Audio: audio Japanese animation is not just for children. It can be dark, incredibly violent and sexually explicit. But does it represent a distinctly Japanese worldview? And is it philosophical? Yes and yes, according to Jane Goodall from the University of Western Sydney.

11 08, 2010

flash for firefox portable

By |2016-01-12T21:09:47+02:00August 11th, 2010|technology|0 Comments

In order to enable Flash plugin in firefox portable do the following: search your computer for these files: flashplayer.xp NPSWF32.dll Then copy them in your Appfirefoxplugins folder of your current installation. Restart firefox

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