- accessibility
- actant
- activity theory
- actor
- actor network theory
- adaptive interface
- adaptive web
- aesthetics
- affective
- affective interface
- affinity diagram
- affordance
- agent
- alert box
- alpha version
- animation
- anthropometrics
- anticipation
- attract-mode opening
- attribute
- auditory feedback
- augmented reality
- auto-completion
- autonomy
- avatar
- Axure RP
- Balsamiq Mockups
- behavioural animation
- benchmark
- beta version
- brainstorming
- breakdown
- browser
- captology
- card sorting
- case study
- clickable
- codiscovery learning
- cognitive
- cognitive walkthrough
- collaborative design
- collaborative system
- command language
- command line
- comparative study
- competitor
- competitor analysis
- computer-supported cooperative work
- concept
- concept model
- conceptual model
- constraints
- content audit
- Content Management System
- context
- contextual design
- contextual inquiry
- cultural probe
- design guideline
- design need
- design patterns
- design principles
- design rationale
- design thinking
- desktop
- diary study
- direct manipulation
- effective
- ergonomic
- error
- event
- event driven
- experience map
- experiment
- client side
- familiarity
- feasibility
- feasibility study
- Field study
- flexibility
- flowchart
- focus group
- forma
- formal usability inspection
- formative evaluation
- function
- gaze interaction
- gaze tracking
- gesture
- goal
- Goal Directed Design
- graphical user interface
- guideline
- guideline based inspection
- habit
- habituation
- haptic
- haptic interface
- Hawthorne effect
- heads-up display
- heatmap
- hedonic quality
- heuristic
- heuristic estimation
- heuristic evaluation
- Hick’s Law
- hierarchical task analysis
- hierarchy
- high fidelity prototype
- homepage
- horizontal prototype
- horizontal prototyping
- hotspot
- house of quality
- hover state
- human-activity system
- human anthropometry
- human centred
- human centred design
- human-computer interaction
- human factor
- Human Factors
- hunt and peck
- hyperlink
- hypermedia
- hypertext
- hysteresis
- indirect manipulation
- information architecture
- interaction design
- interaction model
- interface
- Iterative Design
- kinaesthetic
- kinaesthetic interaction
- Lean UX
- link
- low fidelity prototype
- metaphor
- mockup
- modular prototyping
- moodboard
- motion capture
- multimodal interaction
- multitouch interaction
- mutlimedia
- Natural Language Interaction
- natural language interface
- navbar
- navigation
- nested
- new media
- observer effect
- paper prototype
- Parallel Design
- persona
- persuasive computing
- persuasive technologies
- question-asking protocol
- questionnaire
- remote usability evaluation
- requirement
- Responsive Design
- screenshot
- scrolling
- select
- server
- Silverback app
- stakeholder interview
- storyboard
- style guides
- tangible
- tangible interface
- think aloud protocol
- tooltip
- touch interface
- ubiquitous computing
- usability
- usability testing
- user
- User Experience Design
- user interface
- user needs
- user requirements
- user testing
- UXPin
- vertical prototype
- Waterfall Μodel - Μοντέλο του καταρράκτη
- wireframe
- Wizard of Oz
- work model
- workflow diagram
- wow factor
- x-axis - άξονας X
- X Window System
- y-axis
- z-axis - άξονας Z
- zoom
- zooming user interface
- understanding
Interaction Design Glossaryμο.2022-01-10T11:09:04+02:00